I4E - 96213135
Isolated signal conditioner for electrical signals
- Signaux acceptés : Vac, Aac, Vdc, Adc, Hz, mVdc, shunts (Vdc) et transformateurs de courant
- Signal de sortie : 4-20 mA et 0-10 Vdc
- Alimentation universelle 18-265Vac/DC
- Circuit d'entrée, de sortie et de puissance isolé galvaniquem
- Configuration facile par boutonpoussoir et affichage
- Montage RailDin
FEMA I4E Isolated signal converter for electrical signals can be configured to take AC/DC voltages (from 50 mVac/dc up to 600 Vac/dc), AC/DC currents (from 5 mAac/dc up to 5 Aac/dc), frequency signals (up to 100 Hz). The output can be configured to give either a 4/20 mA or 0/10 Vdc signal and has 3 way isolation between the input, output and power circuits.
Configuration is achieved through the front push-button keypad and the display. Configurable information messages (input signal value, output signal value, configured label, signal percentage and process value). Password function to block unauthorised access to configuration menu.
- Brand
- Signal
- Analogue
- Signal Input
- Process
- Voltage
- Current
- Operating Voltage
- 18 - 265 Vac/Dc
- Output signal
- 0/10 Vdc
- 4/20 mA
- Isolation
- 3000V
- Mounting
- DIN Rail
- I4E Datasheet
- Datasheet 393.50 KB